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Do you know what is the use of HTML Elements?

2021-10-12 12:34 · 12 min read

HTML5 elements are marked up using start tags and end tags. Tags are delimited using angle brackets with the tag name in between. Here we will learn how to use HTML5 Elements in your webpage Elements are the Tags that are used in HTML code

</Types of Elements>

Here we will discuss some important HTML Tags for our websites

Empty Elements

HTML Elements with no constant value are called Empty elements.


<hr> Horizontal line
<br> line Break
<img> image tag
<link> link tag
<meta> meta data

<p>This is a paragraph</p>
<p>This is another paragraph</p>

Nested HTML Elements

Elements inside other elements are called nested elements. All HTML elements consist of nested HTML elements.


<html> element is a root element
<html> element contains <head>,<body> elements.
<body> element contains <p> tag.

<p>This is a paragraph</p>


Case Sensitivity

HTML tags are not case-sensitive.


<h1> and <H1> are same

We can use tags name in upper-case and as well as in lower-case.

<p>This is a paragraph</p>
<P>This is a paragraph</P>


</Important HTML5 Elements>

Here is a list of Important HTML Elements.
A brief description of various tags is presented in HTML, in alphabetical order.

<!-- -->: Allows a user to comment out a piece of code.
<DOCTYPE HTML>: Specifies that the given document is going to an HTML one.
<a>: Used to make hyperlinks for navigation across various pages.
<address>: Used to define an address. E.g. London, England.
<article>: Allows a user to define a paragraph or a section of a document as an article.
<aside>: Allows a user to set an element to the left or right side of a reference element.
<audio>: Used to embed an audio element in an HTML document.
<b>: Makes content stand out, by making it appear bold.
<blockquote>: Used to write a quotation in a webpage.
<body>: This is the main section of an HTML document, where all the magic happens.
<br>: Inserts a line break in the document.
<button>: Inserts a push button on the webpage. Mostly used with <form>.
<caption>: Defines caption text to be put on the top of a table.
<center>: Aligns a block of text to the horizontal center of the webpage.
<dd>: Describes the list that has been created using <dl>.
<del>: Strikes through the specified text.
<div>: Container. Used to group various elements. By default, the display format blocks.
<em>: Makes text appear in italics.
<fieldset>: Groups related <form> elements.
<figcaption>: Allows creation of caption for a <figure> element.
<figure>: Container. It contains content with its caption.
<footer>: Container. It creates a footer section that contains copyright and related information.
<form>: Used to insert a form on a webpage.
<frame>: Creates a frame window.
<frameset>: Used to group various <frame> together and is used to split a browser’s window into various frames.
<h1>, <h2>, …, <h6>: Inserts headings in a webpage. <h1> is the largest, <h6> is the smallest.
<head>: Contains <meta>, <style> and <title> information.
<header>: A container that is mainly used to hold <nav> links.
<hr>: Draws a horizontal line, implying a line break on the webpage.
<html>: Specifies that the document has been written in HTML.
<i>: Italicises the specified text.
<iframe>: Allows content to be embedded in the form of an inline frame.
<img>: Inserts an image element in a webpage.
<input>: Used to input data into a <form>.
<label>: Captions a text to work as label for an <input> element.
<legend>: Used to add title to the elements grouped using <fieldset>.
<li>: Enables a list item to be added in a list.
<link>: Used to link external CSS to an HTML document.
<meta>: Contains meta information that is used for SEO purposes.
<meter>: Measures data in a given range.
<nav>: Used to specify a set of navigation links.
<noframes>: Used to provide and render alternate content, in case frames cannot be rendered.
<noscript>: Used to provide and render alternate content, in case javascript cannot be rendered.
<ol>: Specifies that the given list is going to be ordered.
<p>: Inserts paragraph in a webpage.
<pre>: Represents pre-formatted text.
<progress>: Represents the progress of a task in percentage, in a graphical form.
<q>: Inserts quotation inline.
<script>: Allows JavaScript to be inserted/linked with HTML document.
<section>: Container. Used to create sections in a webpage. Similar to <div>.
<select>: Creates a drop-down list.
<span>: Container. Makes elements appear inline with each other.
<strong>: Makes text appear bold.
<style>: Used to add CSS to a webpage.
<sub>: Specifies that the text is a subscript.
<sup>: Specifies that the text is a superscript.
<table>: Allows insertion of a table to a webpage.
<tbody>: Used to group table rows.
<td>: Inserts data into a column of a table.
<textarea>: Lays out area for multi-text input.
<th>: Used to insert a heading for each column of a table.
<thead>: Used to insert a table header.
<tr>: Inserts a new row in a table.
<tt>: Specifies that given text is teletype one.
<u>: Underlines the specified text.
<ul>: Inserts unordered list on a webpage.
<video>: Insert a video element in an HTML webpage.


Other HTML Elements

Here is the list of some other HTML Elements

<abbr>: Used to create an abbreviation.
<acronym>: Used to create an abbreviation. Similar to <abbr>.
<applet>: Allows a user to embed a JavaScript applet into an HTML document.
<area>: Allows the labeling of various sections of an image.
<base>: Defines a default absolute URL. All other link elements specify URL relative to this.
<basefont>: Sets default font properties like size, color, and family.
<bb>: Defines web application attached to the given HTML document.
<bdo>: Sets the direction in which text is going get displayed.
<big>: Makes text appear a bit bigger than the default size.
<canvas>: Inserts a blank canvas on the webpage on which graphics can be drawn.
<cite>: Specifies text citation that appears, when a user hovers over a particular block of text.
<code>: Allows programming code to appear differently on a webpage.
<col>: Inserts a new column in a table.
<colgroup>: Groups two or more columns present in a table.
<command>: Allows creation of the list, similar to a to-do list.
<datagrid>: Allows data to be represented list-wise or tree-wise.
<datalist>: Specifies pre-defined drop-down options for <input>.
<details>: Allows previewing of additional content, on a user click action.
<dfn>: Creates a definition term, by default in italics.
<dialog>: Creates a new pop-up window for displaying content.
<dir>: Similar to <ul>. Used to create directory lists.
<dl>: Specifies a definition list.
<dt>: Creates a definition term, which has to be defined using <dd>.
<embed>: Used to embed an external application to the HTML document.
<eventsource>: Opens a continuous connection to an HTTP server, with the server delivering messages in the form of events.
<font>: Defines font properties such as size, color, and family.
<hgroup>: Groups various levels of headings.
<ins>: Informs the user of changes in the webpage by specifying that the given section has been inserted newly.
<isindex>: Used to create a single-lined search query.
<kbd>: Represents the user input text entered using a keyboard.
<keygen>: Used to generate a signed digital certificate, for authentication.
<map>: Combined with <area>, it defines clickable sections of an image.
<mark>: Highlights specified text.
<menu>: Displays an unordered list of menu items.
<object>: Used to embed objects like images, flash animations, etc. in a webpage.
<optgroup>: Groups related options under a heading.
<option>: Provides drop-down menu.
<output>: Used to display output of a calculation.
<param>: Specifies a set of parameters that are required by embedded objects at run time.
<rp>: Provides parentheses for ruby annotation for browsers that do not recognize ruby annotation.
<rt>: Specifies the text for ruby annotation.
<ruby>: Denotes ruby annotation that is used to represent Korean, Japanese, or Chinese typography.
<s>: Makes text appear striked-through.
<samp>: Specifies that the text has to appear, as that obtained from the output of a computer program.
<small>: Makes text appear a bit smaller than the normal size.
<source>: Used to specify the path for inclusion of multimedia elements.
<strike>: Makes text appear striked-through.
<tfoot>: Adds footer to a table.
<time>: Specifies that the text inserted represents time.
<title>: Gives the HTML document, its title.
<track>: Specifies path for CC/subtitles file for a video/audio.
<var>: Used to represent a mathematical variable on a webpage.
<wbr>: Used to prevent breaking of a long word at the wrong place by a browser.



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